KP as Individual vs Community member

The goals espoused by the diversity ideology’s adherents are laudable – to encourage tolerance and a respectful understanding of the different perspectives each community offers. Historically, cultures everywhere have improved by borrowing liberally from one another through commerce, colonialism, and mere curiosity……. Evan Osborne


In general, the debates about diversity are between communities. The interesting part about our community is that we have a great deal of diversity that needs to be managed well within our community.

When we look around, we see differences or diversities which could be, Life style, Rituals /Traditions, Circumstantial or could be Ideological which is an overall umbrella, one can imagine to understand Diversity.

In the present context, the importance of managing diversity within our community is of great urgency as it can affect not only our lives but of our Gen-next.

The trigger for this introspection I believe, was the serious project of R&R followed by historical decision by Modi of defanging the Art 370.

Our community in general seems to have no choice but to move on in spite of historical adversities in the past and the last one in causing our uprooting and dispersion in 1989.


Adversity has perhaps stimulated us to refine our character, ennoble us and bestowed immense success to us as individuals.

On the other hand, it might have led to coarsening of our moral fiber and make us self-centered, narrow, envious, unjust and uncharitable as a community.

We have lived with this paradox from time immemorial. We continue to live with this paradox as it has apparently not affected our survival instinct.


This trait has assumed a proportion which can be termed as a crisis at this point of time. We are at the nadir of our social behavior as a community.


What are the issues we have to contend with where differences of thoughts / ideologies can hamper progress in our tasks of rebuilding our homes back in Kashmir?

In my opinion the issue is about lack of understanding and tolerance of differing points of view.

The dominant ideologies or narratives could be summarized as under:

  • Return to a specially carved out place in Kashmir for KP’s (Panun Kashmir). This perhaps is popular with idealists who may not be too excited to return in near future.
  • Return to homeland and reside the way we were doing before the exodus in 1989.This will necessitate creating an environment where the majority also comes around to stay with us without mutual hatred. (Chinar / KP Political Forum RR group initiative).
  • Return to homeland by totally aligning with BJP and its ideology. The return thus is linked to the larger Hindutva agenda. Perhaps it also covers our “victimhood “syndrome and desire for closure through “retribution” of the Muslim community offenders.


We should appreciate all these, as the final goal is the same – return to Kashmir. Why do we find differences, then. It is on account of our behavior oddities developed over generations. One of the greatest stumbling blocks is our behavioral trait that, we cannot be “followers”. We are all “leaders”.

This has been made worse by our so-called leaders who have been far from being honest in their approach to Leadership.


I cannot close this piece without pasting a few traits identified by Henny Sanders in her thesis, A Study of Cultural Choices in North India:

  • Conflict between personal inclination and intellectual judgement.
  • Economic and Occupational questions generate the greatest concern among the KP’s….
  • Self-centered and with superiority complex…
  • …. Kashmiris were content to remain inconspicuous. They felt perhaps, that it was safer to be regarded with contempt than with envy.
  • … Their commitments were said to be determined by rational rather than emotional decisions. Their loyalties were always subordinate to their survival….
  • Kashmiri Pandits have never contemplated the future with confidence……. (Concept of Pralabd)
  • The Kashmiris found themselves on the decline while the Parsis seemed to be flourishing because the strength of the Parsi community were precisely those Kashmiris lacked…
    • The Parsis had a sense of community, the Pandits did not
    • The Parsis had a sense of Charity, the Pandits did not
    • The Parsis educated their women, Panditanis were ignorant
    • The Parsis became involved in business & grew rich whereas Kashmiris were not & did not.

 A piece written in response to some queries about this issue in the social media. An effort to understand our community traits may help find solutions!!

Ashok Dullu